My fiction and poetry have appeared in a number of publications, including Across the Margin, The A3 Review, and Punchnel’s. I run the journal Five Minutes, and have been a featured reader at the Salem Literary Festival and on the Improbable Places Poetry Tour. A recent graduate of Grub Street’s Novel Generator, I’m currently finishing the first draft of a novel.
Creative Nonfiction
Tiny Molecules: The Shape of an Answer
Silver Birch Press: The Observatory at Penobscot Narrows
X-R-A-Y: You're Lucky You Came In Tonight
failbetter: Lost Was How Everybody Said It
Apeiron Review: Everything's Rosy
Across the Margin: Amy, Still
BANG! (The New Guard): Blizzard Man
Fiction in the anthology Heroic Care.
Autumn Sky Poetry Daily: Blackstone Valley Triptych
BANG! (The New Guard): And I Have A Girl; Grandson
Grub Street Literary Magazine: Congregational Mourning Shoes
Punchnel's: The Siren Calls Out From Middle Age